Recovery on Campus with Dr. Victoria Burns

Recovery on Campus with Dr. Victoria Burns

Published on
February 2, 2023

This week Ryan chats with Dr. Victoria Burns about how she uses her lived experience to create a safe, inclusive space for students, faculty and staff in addictions recovery. One of only three currently in Canada.

Dr. Burns has founded the UCalgary Recovery Community (UCRC), a peer-driven, inclusive space supporting addiction recovery, building community, and reducing addiction stigma on campus.

Topics covered:

🔹 brief history of Collegiate Recovery Programs in North America

🔹some of her own recovery story

🔹a multiple pathways approach to recovery

🔹stigma around being in recovery

🔹recovering out loud

If you’re interested, read more about Dr. Burns and her team’s trailblazing initiative at the University of Calgary.



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If you or someone you know needs support with their recovery, contact OCJ today.

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