Dr. Ryan Comeau and Dr. James Skrenkowich join Ryan and Derrick to discuss concussions and the lasting effects on our mental health.
The guys discuss brain injuries and how we can help ourselves heal through the neuroplasticity of the brain. Topics include CTE, what concussions are and how they are assessed.
In 2015 Dr. Comeau co-founded Kinetisense. This technology is being used around the world to baseline and reassess concussion patients. Dr. Comeau has advised and treated professional sports athletes and organizations in the NHL, NBA, NFL, and MLB. The Kinetisense team came together to build a system that has real applications for patients, trainers, coaches, medical practitioners, chiropractors and researchers.
Dr James was born in Red Deer and graduated from the University of Western States with a Masters in Sports Science. He used his Bachelor of Athletic and Exercise Therapy to work with the Victoria Cougar Junior B hockey team where he dealt with many concussions. Dr. James moved to Medicine Hat 5 years ago and is recently married.